Creative Writing Instruction
Creative writing has always been an interest and a strong suit of mine since I was young. In the 6th grade I was voted "best story" by my peers for our class assignment (yes we had to read them aloud in front of everyone!). Small accomplishment... BIG foreshadow of all to come. I’ve done a lot of things over the years, but the art of storytelling has only gotten better with time. I continue to write short stories and I also write essays & op-eds too. I've written for a few online magazines and had some of my articles published. I'm currently working on a fiction novel as well and another creative project near and dear 2 my 💜.

Instruction and Workshops
For some, the art of storytelling is natural. For others, it's something that has to be developed. Everyone is coachable and we all bring our unique perspectives to stories. Using an assets-based approach model of coaching, I work with both individuals and groups to teach the basics of storytelling. All ages are welcome, though I prefer to keep similar age groups together in classes for pedagogical reasons.
WreckaStowe offers a number a number of services related to creative writing.
Contact us to learn about individual pricing and group packages.
Affordable rates, maximum fun!

Individual Projects
Got some ideas? Don't know how to get them out? Writer's block? Movie idea??
Your idea + my writing talent = MAGIC!!
If writing a short story, novel, or movie manuscript is your goal, WreckaStowe can help. As an avid book reader, movie connoisseur, and author, I am uniquely positioned to help you bring your idea to fruition.
Let's collaborate today!